Peder Jansen Wessel Tordenskjold
Our lodge was named after Peder Jansen Wessel Tordenskjold who was born in Trondheim, Norway on October 28, 1690. He was an Admiral of the Danish-Norwegian Navy and was famous for his brilliant seamanship, dashing courage, and his resourcefulness. He was most illustrious and beloved among Norway's many naval heroes.
Tordenskjold Lodge No. 5 in District 2 was organized on September 8, 1907.
Our Story
The Sons of Norway was founded in 1895 by eighteen Norwegian immigrants in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It consists of eight districts which preside over more than four hundred lodges in the United States, Canada, and Norway with membership in excess of 70,000.
The early requirements for membership in the Sons of Norway were very strict to qualify. The man had to be Norwegian or of Norwegian descent, morally upright, in good health, capable of supporting a family and be at least 20 years of but not older than 50 to join.
The organizational meeting of Spokane Lodge were held in the meeting room on the second floor of the "Skandinav", a Scandinavian newspaper office operated at 17 West Sprague in Spokane. At the meeting at Apollo Hall, on Sunday, September 8, 1907 the Spokane Lodge of the Sons of Norway was officially chartered with thirty-four charter members.